Week 20
These past few weeks have been quite eventful. We fed you rice cereal for the first time on Saturday March 26th. You licked the spoon like a dog and also sucked on the spoon and would chomp your cheeks up and down. So cute and fun to watch! By the third time we fed you cereal you would wave your arms and get excited and say "Ooo" when I wasn't giving it to you fast enough. You are slowly getting the hang of how the spoon works but it's still fun watching you suck on the spoon and " chomp your cheeks." You had your first haircut on Monday March 28 by Mom. Dad held onto the bumbo to make sure it wouldn't fall off the stool with all of your wiggling. You looked SO cute in your with your little head poking out of the cutting cape. You LOVE your saucer and LOVE to lay on your back and just kick, squeal away, and you get kicking so much that you manage to slowly move in circles! You have your eye on something and arch your back and bend your head way backwards and attempt to roll over onto your tummy. You have succeeded once! Good job bud! you LOVE your chains, you shake them like crazy now to where you whip Mom, Dad or yourself. they are also your mojths best friends along with your fists. You are alowly discovering your feet, on April 5 in the morning you noticed the puppy dogs on the feet of your jammies and you were very curious what they were and slowly reached and grabbed at them. You are not to sure about Grandpa Jim when he wears his cowboy hat, but he is one of your best pays when he doesn't have it on. In the mornings you are waking up talking to yourself rather then grunting/starting with a cry....unless you are super hungry in the morning you want your bottle NOW! (which is totally understanding!) You are a little flirt, our first day back to church on Sunday the 27th, you were smiling the "flirt" smile with all the ladies haha. We can't believe how fast you are growing up! Your little personality just shines more and more each day!